mercoledì 22 aprile 2009

5x20 Grey's Anatomy Sneak Peek

Owen: I don’t feel anything
Wyatt: Nothing? No anger? Happiness? Unhappiness? Guilt? Survivor’s guilt? You know its very common with veterans
Owen: its not about my platoon
Wyatt:you have shoved your feelings aside for so long, I’m asking you to claim them. Owen, this is about your platoon
Owen: its about the fact that I tried to choke my girlfriend to death. Are you saying that the way I feel about my platoon and the way I feel about what
happened with Cristina are the same? They’re not the same
Wyatt: How do you know if you can’t name those feelings?
Owen: Its not… I don’t know

Qualcosa mi dice che questo è il massimo in cui posso sperare nell'episodio che domani sera andrà in onda in America, ovvero Owen che parla con la sua strizzacervelli ed in un certo modo le parla di Cristina.

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